I’ve seen a lot of discussions surrounding Doja Cat recently so I thought it’s the perfect moment to talk about her chart and how of a great astrological example she is. So let’s goooo

Diving straight into the topic of her fame, Doja’s MC falls in her 11th whole sign house, ruled by the Sun, which is placed right at her ascendant. This means her career is strongly tied with groups of people and the internet and her image and persona plays a big role in her success. Her Sun is also conjunct the north node, which underlines the luminary’s presence and lights it up even more – makes her shine, so to speak. On top of that, she was actually born around 2 days before the solar eclipse – and eclipses seem to be important in her life.
With that in mind, let’s look back at a past event that helped her skyrocket into fame (and one of my favorite astrological cases).
In 2017-2018, at the age of 22, Doja went through her 11th house profection year. Now remember I said her MC falls in her 11th house so it’s going to be extra special in terms of recognition – on top of it being about friends, fans and internet.
On August 10th 2018, she self-released a song titled “Mooo!”, which later became a viral internet hit. Just a day later there was a solar eclipse in Leo, her 11th house. Jupiter also happened to be in Scorpio, right on top of her Venus. Interestingly, her progressed Venus was getting super close to her natal Jupiter at that time (so we had a some sorts of a double whammy with Venus-Jupiter aspects).
I guess you could say that, once again, astrology worked.
We now know what triggered her fame. But what makes her so multifaceted, quirky and cameleon-like then? Her chart shows someone who gets easily bored and has way too many creative ideas: Mercury in her 1st whole sign house (which explains why so many people thought she might be a Gemini rising) and Sagittarius Mars in the 3rd house. Mercury gives her the constant need for trying new things, trying on different masks and personas, as well as making her a little mischevious. Sagittarius Mars is probably one of the most bratty and outspoken Mars placement to exist – place it in the 3rd house and you get not only a sharp tongue, an incredible wit and a creative mind, but also someone who’s not afraid to speak up for their beliefs or calling people out on their bs and can potentially be, well, “canceled” for it (also with a malefic in the 3rd house, I’ve read she dropped out of school, which makes sense). But what doesn’t kill her makes her stronger, as she has a domicile Jupiter co-present with it – that adds to the preachyness that she’s often displaying. The other malefic, Saturn is also attacking her Jupiter with a square and Moon with an opposition, which can point to some sorts of resistance or judgment from the public. Either way, all eyes are on her – and the more people find her controversial, the more she’s looked at.
Speaking of controversies, for a few years now she’s been under the influence of Uranus, which was hovering around the middle degrees of Taurus and opposing her Scorpio Venus. This could very much be one of the factors of her booming success and her unpredictable moves – especially those involving how she presents herself, her fashion and the visual content she’s been releasing. As of right now, Uranus is finally moving away from those degrees but I checked her transits from last year when she shocked everyone by shaving off her head (I mean, personally I’d say you go, you, but the general public is dumb as per usual) and astrology did not disappoint. At the very beginning of August, when she broke the news with her new look, that Uranus was tightly conjunct Mars and the south node. This speaks of a sudden cutting, a sudden reinvention – and one that is far from the conventional. It was opposing her Venus, which not only rules beauty overall but her ascendant as well (her body) – she literally cut her hair and cut herself from the old, polished look. Jupiter was also in Aries, opposing her Mercury and trining her natal Jupiter – and since it’s a planet of freedom, she did something that she felt was freeing for her. Jupiter said “live your truth”.
Doja’s a Libra, an intellectual sign that thrives on ideas, but one that is ruled by Venus, which makes people subconsciously expect it to be balanced and “easy on the eye”. Keep in mind her Venus (the dispositor of her Sun and the ruler of her ascendant) is in its detriment, which can add to the friction between what she likes and what others find appealing. So people expect her to be a certain way and when she doesn’t fit that “perfect” image, she’s being met with slander. But with Venus in Scorpio – a planet that is so important in her chart and one that went through a Uranus transit – she’s just channeling that darker, mysterious kind of stylistic theme, as this is far from being a bubbly placement.
And what’s next? As Uranus is backing away from the opposition to her Venus, it’s starting to trine her Moon, which she has natally. So I wouldn’t be surprised if, well, she keeps surprising the audience even more.
She also wiped out her instagram account just a few months ago, around the time of Sun-Jupiter conjunction and the eclipse that happened at 29 degrees of Aries – opposing her Sun and ascendant. Soon the nodes will change their signs and we’ll step into eclipses in the Aries-Libra axis for a couple of years, so I’m already curious what she’s going to present to us, especially during the upcoming Libra season.