55,00 $
Want to know the astrological dynamics between you and the person on your mind? This is the reading you’d want to get, whether it’s a friendship, a romantic or business relationship.
And just a disclaimer cause some of ya’ll are cray cray and I already see situations like this so to be clear, I will only do readings on established relationships. That is: no readings between you and your favorite celebrity nor a guy you’re crushing on who doesn’t even know you exist.
I am, however, happy to do a reading on someone you just freshy met and the relationship is evolving and going somewhere and you need some encouragement and tips.
The reading will resemble the latest celebrity synastry posts that you can find on my blog. Of course, it will be MUCH MUCH longer. I will cover the approach to relationships of both people as the basis. Then I will go into detail and discuss how you’re relating to each other, your chemistry and potential issues and assets of the relationship.
A NOTE: fill in the form very carefully.
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