It is time. We’re going to talk all about fire signs today. No bias, we’re gonna get to the root of the fire triplicity, address some stereotypes and really flesh it out. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, lessss gooooo
And I know what you’re thinking! “A Sagi Sun with an Aries Moon will definiely be biased here”. But… just trust me.
First, let’s just really describe the essence of fire signs:
Fire signs are all fired up, ready to go, the most showy, with a zest for life and excitement, but also the most temperamental and hot-headed. They’re about action and movement; the most competitive of all the elements; the most blunt and loud; they like to stick out in the crowd. They’re the avid go-getters.
I’ve already posted my full essay on air signs and if you haven’t read it yet, I highly encourage you to do so HERE. Fire, just like air is a masculine element: it’s more outward, it’s about proper action, it’s physical in the sense that it needs to act out its impulses in the real world. It is said that masculine signs are extroverted and in a sense that is true, especially with fire signs because they receive energy from actively doing something. Fire is also expansive so it’s very much about broadening horizons – especially when we look at the evolution of the fire element and we get to the third fire sign, Sagittarius.
And that physicality is an important piece of a fire sign’s life. Literally and figuratively. This is the most active element out of all and it constantly needs stimuli to operate properly. But also what does fire do, it burns out quickly. Especially the “younger” it is. We all know how much shit Aries gets for getting bored quickly. I think both Aries and Sagittarius get shit for that, Leos get a pass cause they’re a fixed sign I suppose, they thrive in stillness. And I do admit it, as a chronically bored person, it is really tough out there when life lacks excitement. Same old, same old won’t work for a fire sign because they need to grow and they need constant fuel.
And constant fuel creates energy and creativity. Fire signs are the power trio of inventiveness: Aries with their desire to constantly try and do new things, Leo with their sense of originality and Sagittarius with their larger-than-life approach to everything. They’re all about self-expression and it’s what connects them together.
I do admit that Aries folks are the biggest dummies of all the signs. That is the truth but thankfully there’s also something endearing about it. It is said that Aries is the baby of the zodiac, they’re in the very beginning of the hero’s journey. But you know I like to call them golden retrievers on crack: sometimes you giggle at them, most of the times you roll your eyes at them, but they’re mostly harmless and cuddle-friendly and sometimes they have zoomies. Just scratch them behind the ear and tell them they’re amazing, they’re gonna love it. Simple creatures.
Which brings me to the stereotype that Aries is an aggressive sign.
Listen. I always talk about sign’s characteristics having a spectrum. In a properly-working state an Aries individual knows what they want and knows how to assert themselves. They do sometimes think after they act, which in most cases is just harmful to them, not those around. Are they thoughtless? Definitely can be, it’s really like living with a child – sometimes they don’t think about the obvious so you have to enlighten them a bit. The embarassment is almost granted but thankfully they quickly learn. Well mostly.
But going back to the topic of aggression. Most of the times they do work through it without awareness: they are active physically through various sports, their job may require some proper dominance or having to make quick decisions, they may also work through their angry emotions through creativity or simply through a hobby, like gaming.
My absolute favourite Aries Sun is Chester Bennington who was the perfect example of being that sunny, wholesome individual that became a total beast on stage, where he expressed his rage and passion and where he took on that commanding leadership quality. But outside that stage, everyone knew he was the most gentle soul (his Moon was in Sagittarius, which also supported that smiley, positive character). So he had a very healthy outlet for his aggression.
Also, this is where the rest of the chart comes in: next to Aries are Pisces and Taurus so there’s a huge chance an Aries Sun will have another planet in one of those passive signs. So their disposition softens a bit, creating a nice balance of strong presence with a gentle, sensitive heart. Unfortunately this also means that more often than not I see Aries Suns who are pushovers or who are just naively letting others use them. Or alternatively, who are caring wayyy too much about what others think. Marty McFly always comes to my mind when I think of Aries because of the way he got into trouble when challenged: instead of being the bigger guy, he fell for the bait every time he was called chicken. This is not real bravery – a real one would be walking away, not letting themselves be egged on.
I think this is the biggest downside of the sign.
And if their Mars is in a weak position (Taurus, Cancer or Libra) – this is when they may actually lack courage when it comes to big decisions and live a slightly miserable life where they’re not fully happy while their inner light is dimming down. This is that lack of excitement that actually kills all fire signs but mostly an Aries. As a cardinal sign, they will probably throw themselves into work just to somehow patch their dispair and to not think about whatever is eating them from the inside out but that is a temporary solution (and Aries, as a sign who’s very centered in the here and now, may often think about temporary solutions only).
So, a lil advice for my Aries Sun friends: if you’re not sure about something and if your heart is telling you to let go, then let it go. You’re ruled by a fiery Mars, you’re the masters of a gut feeling so please listen to it.
I do admit the true combativeness and spiciness comes out with Aries Moon, especially in women: just think about people like Angelina Jolie, Cardi B, Pink, Rihanna, Lucy Lawless (she has a whole-ass stellium in Aries and she was Xena! The warrior princess! Like come on, you can’t be more Aries than that) or even Kamala Harris. These are all feisty, confident and powerful women.
Aries Mercury can also have a bit more brashness than the Sun. Sun is your ego and heart, it is more gentle. Moon and Mercury on the other hand, they both act on impulse (especially Moon, being driven by instincts) and since Aries is a physical sign, the angry feelings will be most (and quickest) displayed with these two. Which also means these are one of the most “what you see is what you get” placements you can get. Along with anything Sagittarius, we don’t beat around the bush.
There’s also Mars itself, which can be a bit impulsive or bratty if placed in a fire sign. So there’s that, I’m sorry, I cannot defend them, it is what it is.
When I think about each of the elements, I often make pairs in my head that share the same qualities. So when I was talking about air signs, I mentioned that both Gemini and Libra have such thinking style that they find it hard to make decisions, whereas Aquarius is rather set in their thinking.
With fire signs, Aries and Leo are the most self-centered, seeking validation and needing to prove themselves (as both are strongly connected to the Sun through exaltation and domicile), while Sagittarius is often selfless and is not afraid to potentially offend someone. All fire signs are generous though because they like to share and be the good guys: Aries likes to be the saviour, mostly because they think everything is THAT easy to solve; Sagittarius, ruled by the benevolent Jupiter, wants to share their goods with everyone, while Leo is all about the Sun’s light: it gives life.
Leo and Sagittarius are both natural performers and probably the most upbeat, Aries can be a show-off as well but sometimes they’re focused on themselves and their little world too much to have themselves fully on display, they’re more about “look what I made” rather than “look at me”. Aries can be also a bit more cold and deadpan than these two. Leo and Sagi are definitely the ones to overshare and bare it all (probably literally with the latter as they like to have their tits out whenever they can) just to get attention.
And then we have Sagittarius and Aries – that duo gets an award for being the loudest, most obnoxious and adventure-seeking pair. I think we can definitely agree that Leo has more grace than these two. Endless banter and playful competitiveness is guranteed though with the ram and the archer (and especially between them, the more they like each other, the more they will roast each other).
And that did just make me miss badminton matches with my Aries ex-friend… *sighs*
The happy-go-lucky, the cheerleader, the philosopher. The bubbliest and swaggiest of them all. The comedian and the entertainer. Just think about all the Sagittarians that graced the music world: Britney, Christina, Billie, Taylor, Tina, Miley (tho we don’t claim her, she has too much Scorpio in her chart lol), Nicki, Jim Morrison, Hendrix, Corey Taylor, Amy Lee… the list goes on. The world is truly lucky for icons like them.
But as a Sagittarius-heavy person myself, I want to make something clear on behalf of all of us. Yes, we can be reckless (Alexa, play Oops… I did it again) but the stereotype of a reckless heartbreaker needs to stop.
Or more so, of being unfaithful.
I mean, I can’t help it that so many Sagis are the hottest people on earth, breaking the hearts of millions. BUT, when it comes to actual matters of the heart, we are actually a generous bunch, who want to give the world to the people we love. Sagi’s planetary ruler, Jupiter is all about learning and expansion, right? This is what we want. Mutual growth, romance full of adventures and a lover that is their true best friend they can laugh with.
One of Billie’s (Sagittarius Sun and Venus!) songs lives rent-free in my head ever since it came out because it portrays the archer’s affection, dedication and sensitivity so perfectly. “All my love and patience/ All my admiration/ All the times I waited/ For you to want me naked/ Made it all look painless/ Man, am I the greatest?”. This not only portrays a fire sign’s need for physical intimacy but I LOOOOVE how Jupiter is the biggest, most unselfish planet there is and she literally sings about being the greatest. Obsessed, I may or may not have weeped listening to that track for the first time.
Heartbreak for a Sagittarius is tough because we naturally wear rose-coloured glasses and permanently live in a delululand. A heart-wrenching gut punch doesn’t serve us well. I think it is rare to see a depressed Sagittarius so once we are depressed, we’re in deep dark shit.
Each element is about mastering something and that mastery is reached with the last of every triad: Aquarius is the genius, Capricorn is everyone’s mentor… Well, Sagittarius is known as the wisest. A quality Sagi is wise beyond its years as it’s the sign of constant learners and teachers and those who reach for the stars. And enlightened people aren’t really about being unfaithful, quite the contrary, they are about leading by example.
The biggest Leo stereotype is probably that they always seek attention and are drama queens.
Well, this is actually a fire thing in general but it’s a label that has been put on Leos specifically.
But as I’ve mentioned earlier, they tend to be very graceful, you know, like an elegant cat, moving through the world. There’s an extra sunny, vibrant energy coming from Leos. Like yes, you can get someone like J.Lo. (Leo Sun), who constantly lives life as a main character. Or Donald Trump (Leo ascendant + Mars), who’s absolutely full of himself and who thinks he’s the most powerful person on earth. But you can also get someone like Andrew Garfield, who (especially in the recent weeks) has stolen everyone’s hearts with his grace, warmth and natural charisma. That guy just oozes positivity, charm and genuinity. Plus, Leos are known for having a heart of gold and this is how he comes across.
Do they all seek attention though? Leos are the theatre kids but remember theatre kids are sometimes the misunderstood underdogs who care about expression and craft, not necessarily about being in the limelight. They like to play a character though.
I’ve lived with a Leo Sun + Moon (a New Moon baby!) for over a decade. He actually did fall into the typical Leo category of being a working musician who did put himself out there on stage. The charisma was there, the talent and craft was definitely there (his Virgo placements did help here), the ability to attract people as well. And he definitely enjoyed that attention. But that star quality was a natural thing and not something that was desperately sought-after. That’s how a high quality Leo should be.
But also, let me give you an example of my Leo Moon friend, who doesn’t like attention but absolutely loves the enjoyment of art in all forms, whether it’s theatre, film, music, books or whatever. She also happens to be a Sagittarius Sun and there is definitely a type of a Sagittarius who’s more bookworm-y and likes to live in their own head, not really caring about the outside world. As a mutable sign, Sagis can flip-flop between being the star of the show and a hippie outcast who’s looking for a spiritual enlightenment in solitude. Also, they get the badge of being the most “I don’t give a fuck” sign in the zodiac. We stay unbothered.
So, here’s your shy withdrawn fire sign example.
We’ve already adressed the accusations that Aries is an aggressive sign… Well there’s also a level of impatience that supposedly cannot be matched with anyone else… that goes for all fire signs in general honestly. BUT! Before any Aries reads this and thinks “I am actually a very patient person”… I believe you. But also I don’t. But also do you happen to have your Mars in an earth sign?
Aries is a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs are about starting things and building foundations. You know, in tarot it’s the Emperor card, the card of the leader and provider. There’s a very specific type of focus and hard work associated with the sign so Aries Suns often are able to set long-term goals that they slowly but surely put into effect. There’s a catch though and it’s that the fruits of their work should be visible and progress should be linear. If things are stagnant, an Aries will stamp one’s foot, sulk and drop everything as it is (also side note, Aries sulks pretty often in general). This usually happens because they were impatient during the preparation process and so things fell apart cause they didn’t have a solid basis – you know, they sometimes like to skip necessary steps. Interestingly, an overnight success isn’t good for them either as they hate an easy target cause that’s just boring. Gradual success makes them crave more and mobilizes them to work. They’re also stubborn so if they want to prove themselves, they will do everything in their power to do so.
It’s simmilar with other fire signs as well because it’s all about maintaining a steady flame: have it too small and it will go out; have it too strong and it will burn out.
Also, notice how many famous Arians do many things at once? Music, acting, stand-up, social issues, fashion, make-up… yea cause huge success makes them bored and they need something new and exciting.
Funnily, I have A LOT (you’d really be surprised) of patience for many things that take years but I have none for the tiniest, everyday tasks. I like things to be quick but also I can put long hours into stuff if there’s excitement and passion. I think many fire signs would agree with that.
It’s not about the material (earth), not about the cerebral (air), nor about the spiritual (water). This comes with some sensitivity and vulnerability, as well as with radiant energy. Also because fire is rather self-centered, this easily leads to being self-conscious. And that self-consciousness comes from inside and is focused on who the person is. This is not the case where, for example, an earth sign may feel insecure because of their material posessions or the lack of feeling of security in the world. A fire sign may dwell simply on “am *I* enough?”, thinking they’re lesser than the other person just because they feel like it. Especially if something’s off energetically-speaking. This is that passion and excitement I was talking about earlier.
And all fire signs share the same level of enthusiasm. Fire is hot. Yes, that does connect to being impatient, as we’ve already established… But this also translates to easygoing and lighthearted approach to people and ideas. Being hot also means there’s usually no second guessing as fire will be agreeable to many things and will act on impulse, according to its current mood: “what are you doing right now? Do you feel like going to the movies in 30 minutes?” or “are you new here? Do you want me to show you around and grab some food?” are things you’ll likely hear from a fire sign randomly just like that. It’s that casual.
Of course, an anxious fire sign will get *very* anxious because fire is very focused and it can burn you from the inside. That usually happens if mushy feelings occur. Or if, for some reason, they start to feel that self-consciousness that we’ve discussed earlier. Because it’s all about making a good impression and making sure you think they are hot and entertaining. Forget about earthy means to impress by status and gifts or watery ways of emotional bonding and trying to become your psychologist just to win you over. Fire wants you to become their biggest fan and wants to seduce and charm you (literally or figuratively) to then conquer the world together and take you on spontaneous adventures. For a happy fire sign, life is like a party that should be lived to the fullest because enjoyment, fun, friendship and love are their biggest priorities in life.
Oh, also, fire signs are all dumb and annoying and that can definitely can be tiring so I do apologize for that.