If you‘re somehow not up to date, during this past week, all media was flooded with news coverage about the missing submarine (or, rather, a submersible… or rather, a big feeble can that didn’t really quite get any certification to officially function) that was supposed to take a trip 3700 meters down the ocean to see the Titanic’s wreck.
Well, four days later and it was stated the sub imploded.
Also, everything Titanic-related is back on everyone’s lips. And so is James Cameron. It shouldn’t be a surprise, yet it’s still pretty eerie, all these things are connected astrologically-speaking.
But let’s take it back to the beginning.
Titanic’s sinking
Titanic sank during the night from April 14th to 15th 1912 just two days before a solar eclipse at 27° Aries that was square Neptune in Cancer. It was also almost Mercury cazimi during its retrograde phase. So not only we had a moment of big things that bring a darkening of some sorts or a purge (eclipse), it was also tightly paired with a retrograde Mercury, which usually warns of travel issues and a square from Neptune – which can mean things unseen and fogginess. Neptune was also in Cancer, which is obviously a water sign – and we’re met with an iceberg that pops up out of nowhere in the fog, while we’re charging Aries-style full speed ahead – all that despite receiving multiple warnings of sea ice ahead of the ship – warnings that somehow never reached the ship’s bridge.

The cherry on top is Moon in Pisces (again, in a water sign) squaring Pluto in Gemini at 27°. Now remember those degrees cause they are going to pop up again later on.
We can also point to an exiled Venus in Aries applying to a square with a fallen Mars in Cancer – and keep in mind that watery Mars was the dispositor of the eclipse. I also sometimes like to look at quincunxes cause they often bring an unpleasant and uncomfortable situations that sneak up on you out of nowhere. So let’s also point out the Mars-Uranus quincunx that was happening at that time. A bizzare case of severing that is.
James Cameron and his fascination with the Titanic

He is a Leo Sun conjunct Mercury and Pluto in sextile with Neptune, which talks about his love for grandiose and cinematography but also about how detailed in his work he is. That love for detail has more of an element of deep exploration – figuratively, through world-building but also literally through scientific expeditions. Pluto’s influence makes him really put things under the microscope and treating it surgical precision.
But what I really like in his chart is his Moon-Jupiter mutual reception that actually forms a trine (unfortunately we don’t know the exact orb). That is just a VERY good aspect to have and one that not only can bring popularity but one that makes the person dream BIG. Now, his Moon is somewhere in the 3rd decan of Pisces – remember it’s the exact same Moon position as Titanic’s catastrophy (deep connection with Titanic’s story). His Jupiter, on the other hand, is just 3° away from where Neptune was in April of 1912 (learning about and exploring the underwater mystery of Titanic).
On top of that his curious Sagittarius Mars is opposite Titanic’s Pluto at, surprise, surprise, 27°.
New Moon summoning Pluto’s ghost

So let’s get to that poor Titan.
Titan started its dive the Sunday morning of June 18th. If you track transits or, at least, the Moon cycle, you may recall a New Moon took place that exact Sunday morning. New Moon that squared Pisces Neptune at 27°. It also made a 3° quincunx to Pluto, which just barely moved back into Capricorn.
Now remember the degrees from Titanic’s sinking? Pluto was at 27° of Gemini – the New Moon happened at 26° of Gemini. The Titanic’s Moon was at roughly 25° Pisces – current degree of Neptune is 27 Pisces. Interestingly, Neptune would oscillate around that degree for a couple of years now – exactly since OceanGate started their expeditions – they tried to get to the heart (Moon) of Titanic’s wreck but were doing it in an unsafe way, teetering somewhere on the edge of it being illegal (Neptune).
You’d think some of the malefics (or both!) should be present when it comes to tragedies like these, but instead we get Pluto and Neptune, which makes sense. Pluto is obviously death and destruction but is also the underworld, the depth (not just metaphorical) – mix it with the literal element of the Neptunian waters – the ocean – and the unknown, the mystery, the overlooked weak details and faults – and we get a bizzare accident in the deep seas.
Saturn in Pisces and death in the water
I also quickly glanced at the chart of one of the passengers, Hamish Harding, and coudn’t help but notice he was just going through his Saturn return in watery Pisces. Not only that but that Saturn was natally squared by Gemini Mars with just around a 0°05’ orb.
Saturn is death, restrain, depression, rigid environment and again, Pisces is a water sign. Mars brings suddenness, violence, cutting, explosions (paired with the pressure of Saturn – an implosion, actually). It being in Gemini, it’s travel and exploration. A very violent and gruesome aspect, he probably would hurt himself somehow sooner or later (IF he didn’t already in the past).
(Of course, remember that just because you have a tense Mars-Saturn aspect doesn’t mean you’ll die a violent death or anything. But DO be careful. Nevertheless this is great empirical study).
He did seem to have a heart of an adventurer and an explorer, with Moon in the last decan of Sagittarius* as well as Venus and Mercury* late in Gemini (not exactly 27° but very close to that). Unfortunately the New Moon that happened on these points in his chart, paired with it happening on the Pluto degree from Titanic’s sinking, has resulted in a tragedy.
*there’s a tiny chance his Moon could as well be at 0° Capricorn and Mercury at 0° Cancer, just to be clear. But I do think they were probably at the Sag-Gemini axis. If his Moon was around the 27°, it’d be almost creepy