Just a few weeks ago I was hyped for their alleged relationship, despite having worries about the Mercury retrograde and how it’ll affect it… and now the internet’s telling me they’ve broken up? (not surprised). Let’s look at their synastry either way.
Let’s examine Taylor’s chart first, because no synastry should be looked at without prior analyze of the people’s natal charts.

(I’m looking at the Scorpio rising chart as opposed to the old one that had Capricorn rising, as I feel like it’s much more accurate – and the source seemed more eligible).
So the first thing that jumps forward is her Scorpio rising with a domicile Mars right on the ascendant. This shows someone who’s direct but also jumps into situations quickly. Despite it being a rather cautious Scorpio (and she sure is, in regard to her career), she seems so dive head first into situations concerning personal life. This is highlighted by her being a Sagittarius Sun (yay for impulsive actions!) and, basically, a walking opposition – as you can tell from looking at her chart – that has a push and pull effect. Her Venus (which also rules her 7th house), is in Aquarius, generally unaspected, which can point to her not having any anchor point for her relationships nor her overall affections – any tangible attachments then may disappear into the aether, turning into ties that seem to be lacking in something, especially it being in airy Aquarius that can swing between being curious and fixed in feelings to being somewhere in the clouds, dreaming of a perfect romance that actually doesn’t exist and the bubble suddenly bursts. Now, I said Venus is generally unaspected (by any ptolemaic aspect, that is) but I can’t help but notice the exact quincunx to her Cancer Moon – weird romantic choices is what this screams (remember when she started dating Tom Hiddleston and people thought it was bizzare? Exactly). Pair it Moon opposite Uranus and Mercury and this can bring sudden changes in feelings that come from nowhere; not knowing what one wants or an overall feeling of emotional discomfort that stays unresolved for a long time (it’s like you feel resentment but you don’t really know why).

Now let’s look at Matty. His chart looks more “sharp-tongued sweetheart” to me than anything. We have a lovely Taurus rising with exalted Moon in the 1st as well as an exalted Aries Sun, smashed together with Mercury and Venus. Charming and a creative combo, although not only it is placed in the 12th house of doom and gloom but both of his benefics (Venus and Jupiter) are in their exiles, which can show struggles finding true happiness and inner fullfillment. His 7th house ruler, Mars, is in Gemini, rescued by an applying sextile with Sun and co-present with Jupiter, but generally speaking, it being placed in the 2nd house + having Venus in the 12th, it may bring issues with tangibility of his relationships (or the availability of them, if that makes sense). Lovely but a tormented soul, I’d say (like didn’t Halsey write Colors about him? Makes sense).
Now with that in mind, let’s look at their synastry, which btw, I LOVE.

Two main things that popped into my head when I first heard they’re together were: a Sagittarius Sun with an Aries Sun and opposite rising signs. Perfect, the chemistry and the sense of a romantic adventure should be off the charts. Not that I’m biased but a Sagittarius and Aries are like a match made in heaven. Their Suns are actually making a 3° aspect but her Sun is also trining the rest of his Aries planets, which is lovely. Sun trine Venus is a very sweet and supportive energy – from now on your mental image of the aspect should be Matty (Venus) watching Taylor (Sun) on stage, admiring her and singing along to her songs. Her own Venus, on the other hand, not only compatible with his fire and air placements, but having a direct support from a trine to his Jupiter (!). Again, think of Jupiter as the cheerleader – uplifting Venus, bringing out the fluffy feelings. On top of that, they both have beautifully placed Moons, not only compatible with a sign-based sextile but one is exalted and the other is in its domicile. Now that’s what I call a healthy mutual emotional fullfillment.
We also have that combo of Moon/ascendant opposite Mars/ascendant, which normally would bring out the passionate feelings and the “can’t take my eyes and hands off of you” type of vibe.
BUT. POTENTIALLY that can also bring trouble.
Matty has a day chart, which means his out-of-sect malefic, the planet that will bring him more trouble, is Mars. She’s putting her Mars on his angle and on top of that, it’s the 7th house, which is the house of other people and open enemies. She triggered the hate coming from the outside towards him.
We also have Taylor’s Jupiter making an opposition to his Saturn (which, she has that aspect natally so it highlights its effect) – this can bring roadblocks to happiness or even blame and judgment that comes from the public’s scrutinity (which apparently did happen).
Sun opposite Mars can also bring out some longevity troubles. It’s two strong planets butting heads, each trying to have its final say and each trying to be independent as both are kind of “look at me” type of scenario. Now, it doesn’t have to mean there were some disputes but both could eventually pull in their own directions and break the tie out of exhaustion. It’s because both Sun and Mars are very vibrant and energetic and with an opposition, the energy might’ve drop very fast. Magnetism is surely there with an aspect like this, but there’s a high possibility that the romance battery can die quickly.
Unfortunately – and I was hoping this wouldn’t affect them but it did – they allegedly started dating when Mercury was retrograde, co-present with Uranus and during an eclipse season – all in Taylor’s 7th house and Matty’s 1st house. So, it affected the area of her relationships and him overall, on a personal level. The 1st-7th axis work similarly in that manner as a new relationship often directly affects the person. Now, it doesn’t have to be Venus retrograde to have a failed attempt at a relationship – you can as well have any other planet (mainly personal) retrograde in your 7th house and you get the same effect. So, as Mercury went direct, the lovey-dovey haze has evaporated, someone sobered up and the pair went their separate ways (or at least that’s what they’re making us believe).