So, you’ve probably stumbled actross the mention of exalted planets (if you’ve been here before then you’ve seen me talk about them for sure) and dignities in general. As far as it’s easy to understand the concept of domicile and detriment (meaning the planet being assigned to a sign and the same planet feeling uncomfortable in the opposite sign), most people just accept the exalatations (and their corresponding falls, which are, again, in the opposite signs) and don’t even try to understand where they came from. Well, let me illustrate this for you (literally as well).
And if you find the way I explain all of this easy to understand and you find this helpful, then keep your eyes peeled for something I’ve been working on in the past few weeks 👀

There’s actually a couple of explanations as to why. Let’s start from the simplest one, which comes from Ptolemy and Rhetorius (their approach wasn’t fully identical but comes hand in hand): the Sun, which is exalted in Aries. Not only in the chart of Thema Mundi (the chart of the birth of the universe) it is placed in the 10th house – where it can shine as bright as it can, right at the highest point of the chart, but Sun finds its exaltation in Aries because it marks the spring equinox, when there’s increase in light and days start to become longer (in the northern hemisphere, that is).
Opposite to that we find Libra, which means it’s the sign of Sun’s fall (or depression) – the days start to become shorter after the fall equinox. Opposite to the bright, warm and optimistic characteristics of the hot luminary, there’s cold and gloomy Saturn. So the lord of karma is exalted in Libra.
We start to see the pattern of two planets showing opposing qualities so let’s explain it furter. Jupiter is one of the benefics, it shows growth and warmth, so, similarly to Sun being exalted in the warm season of Aries, Jupiter is exalted in the sign that starts the summer season – Cancer, as it’s the time of bloom and abundance – nature being fully alive. The sign opposite to that is Capricorn and it’s where Mars finds its exaltation – a malefic planet that cuts and brings misfortune is then linked with cold and dark wintery season.
Then Mercury and Venus have opposing qualities as one stands for intellect and mind and the other for heart and desire – so we contrast rationality with pleasure. Mercury is a neutral planet (neither a lumiary nor benefic or malefic) so it’s exalted in one of its domicile signs, Virgo – Venus is then placed in the opposite of Pisces.
Moon exalts in Taurus because once it conjuncts the Sun (and Taurus is next to Sun’s exaltation in Aries), it starts to gain in its light again. Its exaltation isn’t coupled with another planet (which would be in Scorpio) and if nothing is exalted in Scorpio, nothing can be fallen in Taurus, as Moon is said to bring good to all (“and the one that fate exalts, none reduces; and the one that fate makes humble, none is able to exalt”, Rhetorius).
My note to clarify it more is, Moon, being the luminary like the Sun, exalts above the horizon and in the 11th house of Thema Mundi. So notice nothing exalts in the signs that are in aversion to Cancer (2nd house Leo, 6th house Sagittarius, 8th house Aquarius and 12th house Gemini).
There’s also a solid and easy explanation that comes from Porphyry, that says that each of the diurnal planets: Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are exalted in one of the signs that trine their domicile placements, while each of the nocturnal planets: Moon, Venus and Mars are exalted in one of the signs that is sextiled to their domicile placements. Then, like I’ve mentioned earlier, Mercury is neutral so it’s exalted in one of its own signs, Virgo.

Exaltations in practice
Sun in Aries: Aries energy is the perfect playground for Sun to shine bright, as the fiery ram is all about self-expression, being the #1 in everything and offering its protective light to everyone around them. It also let’s the leadership qualities come into full force.
Moon in Taurus: Taurus is all about cultivating what you’ve got and comfort and isn’t that a perfect match for the Moon? The nurturing energy is hightened here and an earthy fixed sign is great at keeping the moody quality of the Moon grounded and planted in the soil.
Jupiter in Cancer: the planet of grandiose, generosity and growth is an ideal match for the sign that is associated with the womb, growing and parentage. Cancer loves to reach for the roots and Jupiter is ever-expanding.
Mercury in Virgo: the buzzing and loud energy of Mercury is grounded and calmed down in the earthy and practical Virgo. It’s not distracted anymore, but rather focused and put to actual use.
Saturn in Libra: Libra is all about equality and justice and isn’t that what Saturn talks about? The most diligent of the planets is all about logical structure and being fair… maybe even too fair sometimes, as “you reap what you sow” is Saturn’s motto.
Mars in Capricorn: On the other hand, earthy saturnian sign is an excellent environment to help focus the martian energy. This is very much “slow and steady wins the race” type of situation, as instead of being impulsive and reckless, Mars here is focused and deliberate with its actions.
Venus in Pisces: The planet of love, affection and arts meets the sign of imagination, fantasy and watery feelings. It let’s the venusian spirit flow, whether we’re talking about art or having understanding for everyone and sharing that attentive energy and appreciation with others. Venus in Pisces literally means unconditional and unlimited (Jupiter) love (Venus).